What is Weight Loss Injectables?

Injectable weight loss treatments have emerged as a promising solution for individuals seeking effective methods to manage their weight. Administered via injections, these treatments exert their effects by influencing appetite control mechanisms within the body. By modulating hunger signals, these injections can lead to a notable reduction in food intake, ultimately facilitating weight management efforts.

Moreover, the impact of injectable weight loss treatments extends beyond mere appetite suppression. These interventions hold the potential to instigate significant weight loss outcomes, offering individuals a valuable tool in their weight management journey. Through a combination of appetite control and potential metabolic adjustments, injectable treatments represent a multifaceted approach to addressing the complexities of weight management, empowering individuals to achieve their desired health and wellness goals.

How Does it Work?

The mechanism of action behind injectable weight loss treatments revolves around their ability to influence key physiological pathways involved in appetite regulation. These treatments often contain active ingredients that target specific receptors or signalling molecules in the body responsible for controlling hunger and satiety.

By modulating these appetite regulating pathways, injectable weight loss treatments can effectively reduce feelings of hunger and increase sensations of fullness, leading to a decrease in overall food consumption.

Additionally, some injectables may also exert metabolic effects, such as increasing energy expenditure or promoting fat utilization, further contributing to weight loss efforts. Overall, the precise mechanism of action may vary depending on the specific formulation of the injectable treatment, but the overarching goal remains consistent: to help individuals achieve sustainable weight loss by controlling appetite and promoting healthier eating habits.

How is it done How does it work

Preparation : The injection site(s) on the body are identified and marked by the healthcare provider.
The skin at the injection site(s) is cleaned and sterilized to minimize the risk of infection

Injection Administration : Using a sterile syringe and needle, the healthcare provider administers the injectable weight loss treatment into the predetermined site(s) on the body
The injection technique may vary depending on the specific medication and target area(s) being treated

Monitoring : Throughout the injection process, the patient's vital signs may be monitored to ensure safety and detect any adverse reactions
Patients are encouraged to communicate any discomfort or unusual sensations experienced during the procedure

Pre Procedure

Consultation : Patients undergo a comprehensive consultation with a healthcare provider to assess their suitability for injectable weight loss treatments.
During the consultation, medical history, current medications, and any underlying health conditions are reviewed.
Patients are informed about the potential benefits, risks, and expected outcomes of the treatment.

Medical Evaluation : A thorough medical evaluation, including physical examination and possibly laboratory tests, is conducted to ensure the patient's overall health and identify any contraindications to the treatment

Discussion of Expectations : Patients discuss their weight loss goals and expectations with the healthcare provider to determine whether injectable treatments align with their objectives
Realistic expectations regarding the extent and pace of weight loss are emphasized

Informed Consent : Patients are provided with detailed information about the treatment process, including potential side effects and complications
Informed consent is obtained from the patient before proceeding with the procedure.

Post Procedure

Observation : Following the procedure, patients are monitored in a designated recovery area for a short period to assess their immediate post-injection response
Any immediate side effects or complications are addressed promptly by the healthcare team

Post Treatment Instructions : Patients receive detailed post-procedure instructions, including guidance on activities to avoid, dietary recommendations, and any prescribed medications
Instructions regarding potential side effects, such as pain at the injection site or temporary swelling, are provided, along with advice on managing these symptoms.

Follow-up Appointments : Patients schedule follow-up appointments with their healthcare provider to monitor their progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, and address any concerns or questions
Additional treatment sessions may be scheduled based on individual responses and treatment goals

Lifestyle Modifications :

Patients are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate hydration, and stress management, to optimize the outcomes of the injectable weight loss treatment.
Ongoing support and guidance from healthcare providers may be provided to facilitate long-term weight management success

The process to get you started on your weight loss journey

Non - Surgical Approaches

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall well-being.

While weight loss journeys vary from person to person, there are numerous safe and effective methods available, both surgical and nonsurgical.

Here, we explore different approaches to healthy weight loss.



The Endoscopic Sleeve, or Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG), is a minimally invasive bariatric procedure reducing stomach size through internal suturing, mimicking surgical sleeve gastrectomy effects. This non-surgical technique facilitates significant weight loss and health improvement, providing an effective alternative to traditional methods.

Endoscopic Sleeve

Gastric injections, a non-surgical procedure, involve injecting botulinum toxin into the stomach lining, temporarily paralysing muscles to curb hunger and induce early satiety. Despite being less invasive, their effects are transient, lasting only a few months in the pursuit of temporary appetite control.

Gastric Injections

Injectable weight loss treatments are administered via injections, impact appetite control, resulting in reduced food intake and potential weight loss. These injections serve as a valuable tool for individuals to effectively manage their weight and achieve their desired health outcomes.

Weight Loss Injectables

The Allurion Balloon, a non-surgical weight loss solution ingested as a pill and inflated in the stomach, induces fullness, reducing food intake and promoting weight loss. It provides an appealing, convenient alternative to traditional bariatric surgeries for those seeking effective, minimally invasive options.

Swallowable_Allurion Balloon

Adjustable balloons offer a unique advantage in weight management, allowing modification after placement. This adaptability empowers healthcare professionals to fine-tune stomach filling, optimising personalized weight loss strategies. Their versatility makes them an ideal choice for addressing patients' specific needs in effective weight management.

Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Endoscopic balloons, inserted into the stomach through an endoscope, induce fullness, occupying space and curbing food consumption. This non-surgical, minimally invasive method is favoured for temporary weight loss assistance in medical management, offering a practical option for those seeking effective intervention.

Endoscopic Gastric Balloon

Surgical Weight Loss

Gastric Sleeve


Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a widely favoured, minimally invasive weight loss solution. Removing a significant part of the stomach forms a smaller, banana-shaped stomach, curbing food intake, aiding weight loss, and enhancing health in cases of moderate to severe obesity.

Gastric Bypass


Gastric bypass, a proven weight loss approach, forms a small stomach pouch and redirects the small intestine. While more invasive than the gastric sleeve, it effectively induces weight loss and improves health conditions, demanding rigorous post-surgery dietary adherence for optimal outcomes.

Mini Gastric Bypass


The mini gastric bypass streamlines the traditional process, establishing a smaller stomach pouch directly linked to the small intestine. Balancing effectiveness and invasiveness, it delivers substantial weight loss and health benefits, demanding lifelong dietary adherence for success, making it a preferred choice.

Duodenal Switch


The duodenal switch, a preferred weight loss surgery for severe obesity, involves stomach reduction and small intestine rearrangement to limit calorie absorption, leading to significant weight loss. Despite its effectiveness, careful dietary management is crucial, making it suitable for those unsuccessful with other treatments.


No, they in fact protect against obesity-related diseases.

1 shot once a week for up to 4 weeks minimum

They are antidiabetic drugs that have been around for very long and have been safe.

Between 2 to 6 kgs on average per month, may depend on multiple factors such as diet, activity, dose, duration, and type of drug. Consult your health expert for further information.

Stomach or thighs.

No, subcutaneous injection, it is a tiny prick.

Depends on the dose and drug type generally manageable e.g mild nausea, headaches etc. Consult your team for a comprehensive list.


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